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Creative Retelling Peer Review

Author: Alejandro Moctezuma

Reviewer: Lois-Jane Amarteifio 

  1. What fairy tale is being retold?

I think the fairy tale being retold is Rumpelstiltskin

  1. Does the story have a title? Yes or No

Yes there is a title.

  1. Write the title here or suggest one: 

Estebana Julia Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Ramirez

  1. Is proper attribution given to the original story? (The original story should be referenced at the top, perhaps under the title. For example, inspired by the original “Hansel and Gretel” by The Brothers Grimm) Yes or No


  1. In general, do you think this is a successful retelling? Explain why or why not in 2-3 sentences. 

I think that this retelling was very successful. The reason why is because it was clear what the retelling was. Also the author did good giving it his own style while still making it a retelling.

  1. What techniques or devices are engaged by the author in this retelling? For example, are the gender roles reversed, is the story told from a different point of view, is the time period changed, etc.? Be specific and explain how the story has been retold in 2-3 sentences. 

This version of Rumpelstiltskin was different from the original story because its more modern. I noticed that when I was reading how the main character used an earpiece to guide her in the story. Even the setting was set in New York and those little details made a difference. In addition to that the main thing that I think made the story different was the element of the setting or the plot. Instead of turning an item like straw into gold, the girl just had to attend parties and have “etiquette”. 

  1. What do you like about this retelling? Be specific in 2-3 sentences:

One thing that I like about the retelling is that you made it modern and set in a different setting and time period. I like that it’s easy to understand. I can also tell that you put a lot of hard work into letting your imagination flow instead of just writing anything down.

  1. How do you think this retelling could be improved? Be specific in 2-3 sentences:

I think that the writing could be improved if you maybe made it more humorous with the maid character. Also maybe if you described the home that the characters were living in or maybe even the building and the people there, just to give it a New York feel.

  1. Mark or indicate any sections where you were bored or lost interest in the story. Explain why in 2-3 sentences:

I was bored in the beginning when you were describing how the family was poor. But it wasn’t so dull that I wanted to stop reading because not every part has to be interesting.

  1. Do you think this retelling reflects too much, just enough or too little from the original? Be specific in 2-3 sentences:

I feel that this retelling of the story is just right because the idea of how the family is poor and so her father gives her daughter away to a wealthy person and then the girl makes a deal and so on is still part of the story. 

  1. Any other comments or suggestions for improvement: Be specific in 2-3 sentences:

The only thing that I would suggest, which is my opinion and does not hinder the creativity of the story but it would be nice to have a few spanish words said because of the title. When I read the title and the content warning I thought it would be like a Spanish twist, with a few Spanish words or something.